Monday, May 25, 2020

Alternative Resources for Energy Instead of Fossil Fuels...

Alternative resources for energy are being used instead of fossil fuels being used .Fossil fuels create greenhouse gases which accumulate in the atmosphere and harms it. Some alternative options for getting energy are using solar, hydro, and wind power. Not only are these alternatives better for the environment they can still be used when fossil fuels run out. Solar energy is one of the alternatives to fossil fuels. Solar energy is used to create electricity in two ways. The first process is using sunlight to heat up water that creates high-pressure steam that spins turbine blades. The second process involves the movement and displacement of electrons to absorb the suns radiation and create electricity (Energy Kids). Solar energy can be†¦show more content†¦The turbines transform 2/3 of the energy in wind into electricity; which is more than fossil fuels transform. One downside to using wind power is that the turbines stand out and ruin the beauty of natural lands. Wind po wer is environment friendly and generates lots of power for people. Many places have started to use hydro power because many areas have become hotter and wetter. To work hydro power relies on the water cycle, and it harnesses the mechanical energy from moving water. Most of hydro power comes from reservoirs, but sometimes running rivers are used. The amount of available energy in moving water is determined by its flow or fall (Energy Kids). The water flows through a pipe, or penstock, then pushes against and turns blades in a turbine to spin a generator to produce electricity (Energy Kids). In a run-of-the-river system, the force of the current applies the needed pressure, while in a storage system, water is accumulated in reservoirs created by dams, then released as needed to generate electricity (Energy Kids). Hydroelectric dams burn no fuel, and release no polluting gases that can cause environmental powers. Hydro power is used by many countries and is friendly to the environment . Having alternative energy resources that are friendly to the environment is important for the future to have less pollution. The amount of greenhouse gases that get released into theShow MoreRelatedRenewable Resources For Renewable Energy Essay1157 Words   |  5 Pages Renewable Resources used to be a source that was futuristic and far beyond the time period. Fossil Fuels are damaging to the home that is named Earth. Americans should support the production of renewable resources because they are more efficient, the world will experience a decline in the emission of Fossil Fuels, and the use of of WWS (Wind, Water, Solar) Resources will produce a more resilient source when compared to the sources that in effect now. WWS Resources produce more efficiently thanRead MoreThe worlds fossil fuels are running out. 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